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E intanto, mentre non c'eri...

Michela L.

Huckelberry Finn
Questo mese, 05-04-2024
La zona d'interesse
Martin Amis

"pensavo, come ha potuto «un sonnolento paese di poeti e sognatori», e la più colta e raffinata nazione che il mondo avesse mai visto, come ha [...]

Michela L.

Huckelberry Finn
Oltre un mese fa, 05-02-2024
Il libro delle sorelle
Amélie Nothomb

"Tu che adori la letteratura non hai voglia di scrivere? - Adoro anche il vino, ma non per questo ho voglia di coltivare la vigna."


Don Chisciotte
Oltre un mese fa, 23-10-2023
Il delta di Venere
Anaïs Nin

Ma è terribile! Com'è possibile che sia considerato un classico della letteratura erotica?

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Meena Alexander

Fault Lines

Voto medio della comunità Lìberos
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Inserito il 24-03-2021 da
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Inserito il 24-03-2021 da
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Passionate, fierce, and lyrical, Meena Alexander's memoir traces her evolution as a postcolonial writer from a privileged childhood in India to a turbulent adolescence in the Sudan and then to England and New York City. In this tenth-anniversary edition of Fault Lines, this Alexander challenges the assumptions of life as a South Asian American woman writer in a post-9-11 world. With poetic insight and an honesty that will galvanize readers--both familiar and new--Alexander reveals her difficult recovery from a long-buried childhood trauma that revolutionizes the entire landscape of her memory: of her family, of her writing process and the meaning of memoir, and of her very self, now and before.

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Editore: Feminist Press at CUNY


Numero di pagine: 317

Formato: BOOK

ISBN-10: 1558614540

ISBN-13: 9781558614543

Data di pubblicazione: 2003

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Meena Alexander

Fault Lines

Voto medio della comunità Lìberos
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Inserito il 24-03-2021 da
Disponibile in 0 librerie
Inserito il 24-03-2021 da
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Passionate, fierce, and lyrical, Meena Alexander's memoir traces her evolution as a postcolonial writer from a privileged childhood in India to a turbulent adolescence in the Sudan and then to England and New York City. In this tenth-anniversary edition of Fault Lines, this Alexander challenges the assumptions of life as a South Asian American woman writer in a post-9-11 world. With poetic insight and an honesty that will galvanize readers--both familiar and new--Alexander reveals her difficult recovery from a long-buried childhood trauma that revolutionizes the entire landscape of her memory: of her family, of her writing process and the meaning of memoir, and of her very self, now and before.

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Éntula 2024 - dodicesima edizione

Mens Sana 2024 - seconda edizione

Liquida 2024 - sesta edizione