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E intanto, mentre non c'eri...

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Huckelberry Finn
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Michela L.

Huckelberry Finn
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Ma è terribile! Com'è possibile che sia considerato un classico della letteratura erotica?

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Alexander Ahndoril

The Director

Voto medio della comunità Lìberos
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Inserito il 22-05-2020 da
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Inserito il 22-05-2020 da
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Bergman's death in July 2007, and the re-release of his masterpiece The Seventh Seal, established him as one of the most influential film-makers in the history of cinema.

Already an international bestseller - with Bergman's fierce public denunciation of the book when it appeared in Sweden generated controversy and sales. A UK debut for a writer set to become a figure of European significance - he has already written successfully for screen, stage and bookshelf. He was a cinematic writer - films of 2 earlier novels are in production.

This book provides a unique portrait of Bergman, taking facts from his own autobiographical writings and other family documents and passing them through the lens of Ahndoril's brilliant imagination. There is a media campaign to focus on film magazines and reaching out to cinephiles, as well as the usual broadsheet/ literary press.

The Director is Ingmar Bergman; the time is 1961; and the setting is the shooting of Winter Light, a film about how his life would have been, had he followed his father's wishes and become a priest. As actors and crew gather to film this alternative destiny, Bergman tries to draw his father into the process, but quickly finds himself plunged back into the emotions of his childhood - both terrorised by his brutal and dominating father, and desperately longing for his approval - and reality gradually begins to crack and crumble, tipping him into a world of false memories and dangerous fantasies.

Compelling and breathtakingly original, The Director mixes biographical fact with a wild kaleidoscopic imagination to reveal the boy and the man behind the great film-maker.

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Editore: Portobello


Numero di pagine: 232

Formato: BOOK

ISBN-10: 1846270472

ISBN-13: 9781846270475

Data di pubblicazione: 2008

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Alexander Ahndoril

The Director

Voto medio della comunità Lìberos
Recensioni (0)
Inserito il 22-05-2020 da
Disponibile in 0 librerie
Inserito il 22-05-2020 da
Disponibile in 0 librerie

Bergman's death in July 2007, and the re-release of his masterpiece The Seventh Seal, established him as one of the most influential film-makers in the history of cinema.

Already an international bestseller - with Bergman's fierce public denunciation of the book when it appeared in Sweden generated controversy and sales. A UK debut for a writer set to become a figure of European significance - he has already written successfully for screen, stage and bookshelf. He was a cinematic writer - films of 2 earlier novels are in production.

This book provides a unique portrait of Bergman, taking facts from his own autobiographical writings and other family documents and passing them through the lens of Ahndoril's brilliant imagination. There is a media campaign to focus on film magazines and reaching out to cinephiles, as well as the usual broadsheet/ literary press.

The Director is Ingmar Bergman; the time is 1961; and the setting is the shooting of Winter Light, a film about how his life would have been, had he followed his father's wishes and become a priest. As actors and crew gather to film this alternative destiny, Bergman tries to draw his father into the process, but quickly finds himself plunged back into the emotions of his childhood - both terrorised by his brutal and dominating father, and desperately longing for his approval - and reality gradually begins to crack and crumble, tipping him into a world of false memories and dangerous fantasies.

Compelling and breathtakingly original, The Director mixes biographical fact with a wild kaleidoscopic imagination to reveal the boy and the man behind the great film-maker.

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