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E intanto, mentre non c'eri...

Michela L.

Huckelberry Finn
Questo mese, 05-04-2024
La zona d'interesse
Martin Amis

"pensavo, come ha potuto «un sonnolento paese di poeti e sognatori», e la più colta e raffinata nazione che il mondo avesse mai visto, come ha [...]

Michela L.

Huckelberry Finn
Oltre un mese fa, 05-02-2024
Il libro delle sorelle
Amélie Nothomb

"Tu che adori la letteratura non hai voglia di scrivere? - Adoro anche il vino, ma non per questo ho voglia di coltivare la vigna."


Don Chisciotte
Oltre un mese fa, 23-10-2023
Il delta di Venere
Anaïs Nin

Ma è terribile! Com'è possibile che sia considerato un classico della letteratura erotica?

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Lloyd Alexander

The Foundling

Voto medio della comunità Lìberos
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Inserito il 24-03-2021 da
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Inserito il 24-03-2021 da
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A companion book to The Chronicles of Prydain, this collection of short stories revisits beloved characters and reveals more about the history of the magical land of Prydain.

Here, readers will find Dallben, destined to be an enchanter; Angharad, a princess of the House of Llyr; Kadwyr, the rascal crow; and Medwyn, the mystical protector of all animals. They'll learn the grim history of the sword of Dyrnwyn and even find out how Fflewddur Fflam came by his enchanted harp. How did Coll rescue Hen Wen when she disappeared at the hand of Arawn, Lord of the Land of Death? Find the answer to this question and many more, in The Foundling: And Other Tales of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander.

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Editore: Henry Holt and Company (BYR)


Numero di pagine: 112

Formato: BOOK

ISBN-10: 142996197X

ISBN-13: 9781429961974

Data di pubblicazione: 2006

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Lloyd Alexander

The Foundling

Voto medio della comunità Lìberos
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Inserito il 24-03-2021 da
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Inserito il 24-03-2021 da
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A companion book to The Chronicles of Prydain, this collection of short stories revisits beloved characters and reveals more about the history of the magical land of Prydain.

Here, readers will find Dallben, destined to be an enchanter; Angharad, a princess of the House of Llyr; Kadwyr, the rascal crow; and Medwyn, the mystical protector of all animals. They'll learn the grim history of the sword of Dyrnwyn and even find out how Fflewddur Fflam came by his enchanted harp. How did Coll rescue Hen Wen when she disappeared at the hand of Arawn, Lord of the Land of Death? Find the answer to this question and many more, in The Foundling: And Other Tales of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander.

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Éntula 2024 - dodicesima edizione

Mens Sana 2024 - seconda edizione

Liquida 2024 - sesta edizione